Sunday, April 12, 2009

Samantha still talk to Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan picture
Lindsay Lohan

Eventhough Sam and Lindsay Lohan are still talking to each other but she advises her to seek help.

Source tells PEOPLE "Sam and Lindsay are speaking. But Sam has begged Lindsay to get help."

"Lindsay, despite appearances, is insecure and has relied on Samantha and their relationship to build her up," explains the pal. "Lindsay barely sleeps, which explains a lot of her behavior. She's exhausted. She can't even sit down for a minute without pacing around the room. It's really sad."


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stevie Nicks gave bad remarks about Lindsay Lohan

Stevie Nicks doesn't have a good impression of Lindsay Lohan.

A New York Times publish an article about Stevie and what opinion she has about Lindsay. This was what written:

“Lindsay Lohan hopes to buy the rights to [Nicks’s] life story and to play her on film. Unmoved, Ms. Nicks responded: ‘Over my dead body. She needs to stop doing drugs and get a grip. Then maybe we’ll talk.’”

Sounds really harsh. "Over my dead body" word. LOL. Well, she is right though. Who wants somebody with bad reputation to act about her life.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Lindsay Lohan at Preferred Bank

Lindsay Lohan went to Preferred Bank in Hollywood with her sister Ali Lohan and her assistant. As usual, paparazzi tried to followed her into the office tower. I wonder she went there for what.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lindsay Lohan feels lonely after breakup with Samantha

Lindsay Lohan is sad about her breakup with Samantha Ronson. Will they be back together again later? She has been crying a lot.

Lohan told US "It's absolute hell".

Then she continues "Everyone's turned on me".


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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sam Ronson has no plans to get a restraining order

Lindsay Lohan picture
Lindsay Lohan

Sam Ronson has no plan to get a restraining order against her ex girlfriend Lindsay Lohan.

When quoted by E! about this matter, she replied "No truth to that."

Beverly Hills Sgt. Nutall confirms to Us Weekly that on Monday, Ronson's sister and mom asked police about obtaining the stay away order.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lindsay Lohan admits her breakup with Samantha Ronson

Lindsay Lohan picture
Lindsay Lohan

Rumors has been going on regarding about Lindsay Lohan's breakup with Samantha.
Lindsay Lohan is finally admitting that she and Samantha Ronson has split.

She tells E!News "We are taking a brief break so I can focus on myself."

On Monday, Ronson changed her relationship status to single on MySpace.

Will they be together again later? They have been fighting quite often in the past but they still see each other after that but this time it sound serious.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Samantha Ronson changed locks on the front door

Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson are in a fight again. Paparazzi discover a locksmith changing locks on the front door of Samantha's house. I guess that Samantha doesn't want Lindsay to come into her house. Both of them are just like cats and dogs.
