Monday, December 5, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Lindsay Lohan's sister talks about modelling


Lindsay Lohan's sister Ali learns from Lindsay's past

Lindsay Lohan's sister Ali Lohan learns from Lindsay's past problems and will not repeat the same thing as her sister.

She said, "I just say no. I'm lucky enough that I had my sister to learn from. I've seen people do it to her, so I've learned to be like, 'That's stupid, no.' That's why me and Lindsay are also so close, because we're able to talk about those things together."


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lindsay Lohan's sister Ali denies plastic surgery

Lindsay Lohan's sister Ali denies that she went cosmetic surgery before. Recently she has just signed up with Next Model Management.

She explained about the rumor, "Because, like, when would I do that (surgery)? I'm 17 years old. That's not legal! I would need my mother's signature, and do you think my mom would sign off on that? No! It's not the right thing to do."


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lindsay Lohan's dad Michael is in bad condition

Lindsay Lohan's dad Michael is in bad condition. He will undergo a heart surgery, where he suppose to have it six months ago according to


Monday, November 28, 2011

Lindsay Lohan was praised for "polite and hard-working"

It is hard to imagine but Lindsay Lohan was praised for "polite and hard-working" by law-enforcement officials.

She has already completed 10 out of 12 morgue duty shifts at the Los Angeles County Morgue.

Has Lindsay Lohan turned over a new leaf?
