Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Lindsay Lohan and Dannii Minogue bonded when both of them were judges on "The Masked Singer" show

Lindsay Lohan and Dannii Minogue bonded when both of them were judges on "The Masked Singer" show. Other judges were Dave “Hughesy” Hughes and Jackie O.

Dannii told "The Daily Telegraph" about Lindsay, "Her hairdresser had brought along all these wigs and at one point she turned to me and said: ''do you want to try on some wigs?'".

Then Dannii responded, "I was like 'um, do you know anything about my life? Of course, I do!'. We all put one on including Dave...It's now one of my favourite moments.'".

Dannii was a big sister to Lindsay since both of them have been in the spotlight since small. Dannii started at age seven while Lindsay started at age five.

Dannii make sure Lindsay felt safe in Australia and could have fun on the show.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Lindsay Lohan tells about her dream role

During an interview with W Magazine, Lindsay Lohan tells about her dream role.

She said, "My dream role is Jessica Lange in Frances. That is my dream movie to remake. It’s always been."

"I was going through a weird phase of being tired, and just working. I was really good friends with Jared Leto, and this was before we did Chapter 27, and he goes, 'Sit here and watch this movie.' It was the most traumatizing two and a half hours of any movie I’ve ever seen in my life, but I loved sitting there and watching it. Jessica Lange is just breathtaking. That moment really clicked, because it did show that all this other chatter can make you mental. It would be a dream movie to do."

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Lindsay Lohan initially refuse to do one scene but later everyone was shocked

On Netflix's "Sick Note", writters Nat Saunders and James Serafinowicz wanted to cast Lindsay Lohan and they didn't believe that she will accept it.

Lindsay accepted it and there is one scene where she has to say some vulgar words and they doubt that she is willing to do it.

Saunders recalled, "On the day she just did it". Serafinowicz added, "She just shocked everyone when the camera started rolling and did the proper line, and we were like, 'Woah, okay!'".

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Lindsay Lohan's dad Michael claims that he is the victim after he was arrested on felony assault

Lindsay Lohan's dad Michael claims that he is the victim after he was arrested for assaulting his ex wife.

He tells,"I've shut up long enough about Kate's physical, emotional and verbal abuse. She set me up. Originally she said I was stalking her! Really? Lol. Then, when that didn't work, she said, I pushed her over a chair which is a total lie."

According to TMZ reports, Michael claims that he has the evidence to proof that he is innocent

Monday, February 24, 2025

Lindsay Lohan's father was arrested for allegedly assaulting ex wife Kate Major

Lindsay Lohan's father Michael Lohan was arrested for allegedly assaulting ex wife Kate Major according to a spokesperson for the Harris County Sheriff’s Office.

He is being held with a $30,000 bond and due to appear in court on Monday. This is not his first time arrested for assaulting her. Previously he was arrested in 2020.

They have two children together. They married in 2014 and divorce in 2018.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Lindsay Lohan looked up to Meryl Streep's career when she was young

Lindsay Lohan looked up to Meryl Streep's career when she was young. Both of them acted in "A Prairie Home Companion", which was directed by Robert Altman.

In 2006, Lindsay Lohan told W Magazine, "I want people to know me for the work that I’m doing, not for this party girl image, which is just vile and disgusting and not fair, because I work so hard. Maybe someone will look at my life one day and say, ‘Why don’t I do a cover with Lindsay Lohan?'".

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Lindsay Lohan was part of Duran Duran's album, "Paper Gods"

Lindsay Lohan was part of Duran Duran's album (2015), "Paper Gods". According to the group's keyboardist Nick Rhodes, "She asked to be part of it, texting [frontman] Simon [Le Bon], and we thought, actually, there is one spot, 'Danceophobia', where we needed someone to do a little role play for us".

Lindsay and Simon were friends for quite a long time and both of them met on "Live! With Regis and Kelly".

Then Simon recalls, "I met her in the makeup room. She said, 'It’s funny. I had a birthday party last week; it was ’80s-themed, and I dressed up as you.'"

Then both of them keep in touch after that. About the track, Simon explained, "We knew we needed something quite special for the middle of that song, but nobody really had a good idea of what to put in it".

"We talked about having a rapper do a heavy proper rap, and I said, 'Before we do that, can we get Lindsay in, because I know she’d love to be on a Duran Duran record.'"

"I think she’s got an amazing speaking voice and I think a certain sense of playfulness and fun that you really have to have to do that part."